Family Life Pack
Price $249.00
Weight: 36 lbs.
- Emergency food and emergency water for four people for 3 days. Five years from expiration date.
- Dynamo Solar Radio Flashlight
- First Aid Kit
- First Aid Manual
- Cyalume light stick with 12 hours of safe, non-explosive, non-toxic lighting
- Folding shovel of tempered steel used as a hoe or shovel
- 50 feet of tough lightweight nylon card
- One bottle of water purification tablets (50 tablets)
- Soap
- Sewing kit
A 2 gallon water bag with sealing closure and carrying handle - 4 disposable dust masks
- Pad and pencil
- 4 solar blankets made of space age insulation developed for NASA
whistle - Heavy duty work gloves with leather palms
- Latex gloves
- Box of waterproof hurricane matches
- 4 emergency cloaked ponchos for protection against the elements
- Multi function Swiss type army knife – screwdriver, saw, file, and bottle opener, knife blades, scissors, etc.
- 2 sided stainless steel campers mirror for light enhancement and signaling
- Tissues
- Stored in a water repellent storage bag